charlotte permanent makeup

Frequently Asked Questions


โœฆ Brow FAQ

โœฆ Eyes FAQ

โœฆ Lips FAQ

  • Cosmetic Tattooing, also called Permanent Makeup or Micropigmentation, is the process of implanting color pigment beneath the surface of the skin by means of a tiny, sterile, disposable needle to produce the appearance of cosmetic makeup or to enhance the natural features of the face.

  • Machine brows are longer lasting and not as traumatic when compared to manual technique - microblading. Though currently very popular, microblading is no more than a trend and doesn't work for all, requires more touch ups, tends to fade unevenly, and can put integrity of the skin in danger due to possible scar tissue formation.

    I did extensive research in the industry and chose to offer a safer and more effective way, so I no longer practice microblading, and do powder brows only. Because my priorities are your well-being, good condition of your skin and excellent healed results for months and years ahead.

  • With the sudden popularity and media attention to the term microblading, many are led to falsely believe microblading is not a tattoo process. THIS IS FALSE. Permanent cosmetics, "semi-permanentโ€ makeup, micropigmentation, dermal implantation, microblading/microstroking, eyebrow embroidery, and long-time/long-lasting makeup, are all different names for the same procedure โ€“ cosmetic tattooing. Any time pigment is placed into the skin with any device, it is indeed a tattoo process. This is defined by many well informed regulators, the medical community, and dictionary sources. Denying this process is a tattoo can be problematic for those who would, for religious or other personal

  • The purpose of Cosmetic Tattooing is to enhance the natural features of a client. Cosmetic Tattooing is softer and more subtle โ€“ it is meant to be a natural-looking beauty enhancement. Body tattoos use ink while cosmetic tattoo procedures involve only iron-oxide or carbon based pigments. These pigments are designed to gently fade over time. Fading is desired as it allows the technician to make changes to color and shape over the years as clientโ€™s natural coloration and facial changes occur.

  • Modern Ink Beauty Studio will not perform services on anyone under the age of 18, regardless of parental consent.

  • The discomfort is relative as pain thresholds vary from person to person, and everyone has a different level of sensitivity. A highly-effective, topical anesthetic cream and gel are used for numbing before and during your procedure. Every effort is made to ensure you remain comfortable for the duration of the procedure. Our clients are usually pleased to discover that it is no more painful than tweezing or threading! With any tattoo mild discomfort and slight swelling should be anticipated.

    Brow Pre-Care Instructions are designed and MUST BE STRICTLY FOLLOWED to limit bleeding and sensitivity during the service. Excessive bleeding and sensitivity during the procedure will dilute and expel the pigment color, leading to poor results.

    * Having this service performed during your menstrual cycle may increase discomfort during your procedure.

    * If you are a frequent smoker or "sun worshipper" anesthetics used during the treatment may not last as long and also can lead to poor retention and poor lasting results.

    * If you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, be aware that this may affect your sensitivity tolerance to the procedure.

  • Most definitely NOT! Please do not wax/thread/tweeze your brows at minimum three days before your appointment. Your regular brow maintenance of tweezing, threading, waxing and/or tinting may continue once the brows have healed.

  • Most machine work lasts 1.5-2 years.

    The treatments are considered permanent and will not wash off, however, it will fade over time and annual touch ups are recommended to keep color crisp.

    *Retention depends on a number of factors including: the pigment color used (lighter colors fade faster), lifestyle (sun exposure, smoking, etc.), iron deficiency (your body absorbs iron-oxide as a supplement), and if any chemical peels or anti aging/brightening skin care products come into contact with treated areas. Please note final results cannot be guaranteed as each unique skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates. I will re-evaluate how your skin has received the pigment at your touch-up appointment and make any changes necessary.

  • Excessive bleeding during the tattooing procedure will reduce the amount of pigment absorption. Alcohol and certain medications act as blood-thinners and should be avoided for 48 hours prior to your appointment. For a full list of what to avoid 48 hours to your appointment see the before care tab.

    Sun exposure: The sun will severely lighten the look of your tattoo, and may also change the color appearance of the pigment. A physical sunscreen should be used (once healed) to prolong your enhancement. Whenever possible, we encourage our clients to wear a hat to protect their beautiful brows (and skin too)!

    The choice of pigment: Some colors may fade quicker than others. For example. a blonde pigment may fade quicker than a dark brunette pigment.

    Lifestyle: smokers, "sun worshippers", or anyone with skin that is in a state of distress (rosacea, acne, etc) may have less desirable results.

    If you are iron deficient or Anemic, your pigment will fade sooner and bleeding/bruising may occur during and after the procedure.

  • -If you have an ideal shape and color in mind, please bring reference photos with you to your appointment. You may fill in your eyebrows as you normally would so we may take into consideration the shape you feel most comfortable with. If you regularly get your eyebrows shaped, waxed, threaded or tinted, please refrain from doing so within at least one week of your appointment. If there are any stray hairs that fall outside of our final shape, we promise to remove them.

    -If you plan to go on a vacation, it is recommended to plan your trip a minimum of 30 days after the procedure.

    -We require our clients to avoid any blood thinners for a minimum of 48 hours prior to their appointment. This includes Vitamin E, Aspirin, Niacin, fish oil supplements, and Ibuprofen.

    -Do NOT drink any alcohol or caffeine 48 hours prior to your appointment. (Yes, that includes decaf coffee, teas, and kombucha!)

    -NO Botox for 2 weeks prior to permanent make up. (We recommend that it's best to wait until after your Enhancement Session heals to get Botox, as an educated injector will take your new brows into consideration when choosing where to inject.)

    -If you have been on prescription Accutane in the past, you MUST wait at least one full year (12 months minimum) before considering this procedure.

    -Doxycycline users are also encouraged to wait up to 6 months before receiving permanent make up.

    -Please avoid SUN and TANNING BED exposure for 30 days BEFORE and AFTER your procedure.

    -If you arrive for your appointment with a freshly tanned or a sunburned skin, you will need to reschedule and will forfeit your deposit. As your skin regenerates from a sunburn, it will take the pigment with it. Sun exposure can also cause excessive bleeding and sensitivity leading to pool healed results.

    *Please review our detailed Pre & Post Care Instructions. You MUST strictly follow these instructions to ensure a comfortable, safe healing process and also to achieve the best possible results! We have the right to refuse service for any clients who do not follow Pre & Post Care Instructions.

  • Cosmetic tattooing is a multiple step appointment process. YOUR BROWS WILL NOT BE COMPLETED AFTER JUST ONE SERVICE. For permanent makeup, at least two appointments are needed initially. Each of these appointments being 6 to 8 weeks apart. At the second visit, your Enhancement Session, we will assess the color retention and make any adjustments necessary. Everyone heals differently and at different rates. If your cosmetic tattoo does not heal perfectly the first time, do not worry! We can always go bolder and add more density at your next appointment.

  • -It is normal to experience minimal swelling and tenderness immediately following your procedure. This usually subsides within a couple days.

    -The first few days following your permanent makeup procedure, your brows will appear darker and bigger. This will gradually lighten during the complete healing process.

    -As the area heals it will become dry and itchy.

    -As the pigment starts to flake off DO NOT pick, scratch, itch or pull off any of the areas which are peeling.

    Choosing to pick at flakes and peeling areas will pull out pigment, and result in spots left without any pigment or in some cases scarring.

    -As the area continues to heal, a softer more natural result will be revealed underneath

    Please note that within the first 4 weeks the amount of pigment that you see can seem very faint. It may seem like the pigment has been lost; please be advised that as the skin regenerates the new skin can in some cases hide the hair strokes completely. You must allow the full healing time of 6-8 weeks to see the true color and result.

  • During your appointment, we will analyze your skin tone to anticipate how pigment colors will heal and fade in the future. We will also mix pigments to ensure the color blends well with your natural hair and skin color. There are some cases, however, where the color may fade to different tones according to the individualโ€™s response to the pigments (like lifestyle and iron deficiencies). Many factors affect these changes. At your follow up appointment, we will re-analyze how your body has responded to the initial color. If needed, special formula alterations to correct the color is made at this time. Your eyebrow tattoo will eventually look softer and have more of a "powdered" look. To keep your brows looking their best, a refresher appointment is suggested every 12 months. Results and preferences vary with each client.

  • -A good sunscreen applied daily AFTER healing on the tattooed area(s) is needed to help keep color true. As with any tattoo, sun exposure will make the color fade faster.

    -The pigment color will change and fade over time. We recommend an annual touch up to keep your brows looking their best.

    -Fading greatly depends on your skin type, lifestyle, sun exposure, pigment color used, broken capillaries, iron deficiency, and if any any aggressive skincare products or services were completed after your procedure.

    -When using acidic or brightening skincare products or services (chemical peels, Retin-A, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, etc) please fully cover your brow tattoo with Vaseline, prior to product application on your skin.

    -If you are planning to have an MRI, please inform the technician that you have had an iron-oxide cosmetic tattoo.

    -If you are planning to have laser treatments, you must fully cover your brow tattoo with 20% zinc oxide. Laser may cause pigment prematurely fade or change color.

  • As a precaution, we will not perform any service on pregnant women.

  • Please note that a deposit is required to schedule and secure your appointment and will be applied to the total cost of your service. This deposit is to ensure that you are serious about your appointment and is non-refundable. In the event that you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, a minimum of 72 hours notice is required to avoid rescheduling fees and/or forfeiting your deposit. In the event that you need to reschedule with less than 72 hours notice you forfeit for your initial deposit, and a new deposit will need to be paid to secure another appointment.

    *Cancel for free up to 72 hours before your appointment, otherwise you will be charged 50% of the service price for late cancellation.

    *Cancelling within 24 hours before your appointment, or simply not showing up will result in a charge of 100% of the service price.

  • We accept Venmo, CashApp, Zelle, Cash, and Credit Card (VISA/Mastercard/Discover) payments only. Credit Cards are charged an additional 3.5% service fee. Unfortunately we do not accept personal checks.

charlotte permanent makeup services

Am I a Candidate?


A contraindication is a condition or factor that either renders a medical treatment inadvisable under any circumstances or increases the risks involved in carrying out a medical procedure. Absolute Contraindication: hemophilia, blood thinners on prescription. Relative Contraindications: diabetic on the needle (increased risk of infection & slow to heal), allergies, blood thinners like Aspirin or Vitamin E

You know the state of your health better than anyone. If you have any medical issues that you feel might be a contraindication, then we suggest you get clearance from your doctor. Below are some contraindications that can alter your results and/or put you in danger.

Patients who have epilepsy, diabetes, hemophilia, or heart disease of any kind should have a physicianโ€™s approval prior to any tattooing procedure.

PREGNANT- Although there is no medical evidence that tattooing would have any effect on an unborn child, we don't know for sure. So we suggest you err on the side of caution and come back after the baby is born.


ON ACCUTANE, RETINA - Topical steroids thin the skin. Depending on the stage your skin is at, it may be too fragile to undergo the procedure. You should get clearance from your doctor before considering permanent make-up. You must be off Retin-A or Retinoids 7 days prior to the appointment and avoid or around the area for 30 days after. If used before 30 days, it can cause the pigments to fade prematurely.

ON PRESCRIPTION STRENGTH MEDICATION OR TREATMENTS that affect the dermal layer of the skin can affect the permanent make-up.

ON ANTICOAGULANTS (blood thinners) long-term use of aspirin, ibuprofen, and some herbs reduce clotting time resulting in increased bleeding and bruising, which will affect the implantation of pigment as well as increase the healing time.

DIABETIC -If you are insulin-dependent, you are not a candidate for permanent make-up. Healing could be compromised and take longer than average. Otherwise, if your doctor feels your condition is under control you may request a letter stating that you are able to undergo cosmetic tattooing.

GLAUCOMA -You may not have eyeliner. Increased intraocular pressure combined with pressure placed on the eye to apply eyeliner could be damaging. It is important to have this condition under control and/or refer to your physician for further consent to the application of eyeliner.

HAVE ANY OTHER HEART CONDITIONS - uncontrolled high blood pressure and poor general health would be a special concern, you will need to see your physician and discuss the procedure to gain pre-approval.โ€‹

HERPES SIMPLEX - People who get fever blisters and/or cold sores may experience an outbreak after procedures. It's imperative that you discuss the procedure with your physician before the procedure and receive proper instructions on how to prevent an outbreak post-procedure. Most physicians will offer a prescription for Zovirax or Valtrex to take prior to and after the procedure.

KELOID OR HYPERTROPHIC SCARRING - Persons with tendencies for this type of scarring have the same risk with tattoos also. The risk is mainly in the torso area, however, we may decide to do a patch test to ensure that you do not scar in this manner.

If there are any blemishes, pimples, active cold sores, irritation of the skin of any kind, moles, or other skin imperfections in or around the area of the procedure, we will NOT be able to do the procedure until the blemish or area of concern is gone or the mole is removed and healed.โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹

You must wait if

You are using ANY lash serums. Please stop using any and all lash serums for a minimum of 4 weeks prior to your permanent eyeliner procedure. The reason is that those types of serums are stimulants. The will make your eyelids too fragile and vascular for cosmetic tattooing. As a result, your eyelids will bleed and bruise. After your eyeliner procedure is completed, you should wait 4 weeks to start your serum usage again.

HAD EYE SURGERY. If you have had Lasik, Cornea repair etc. you will need to wait at least 6 months before permanent makeup procedure on your eyes.

SCARS from surgery or injury must be healed for at least one year prior to service.

You must be off Retin-A or Retinoids 7 days prior to appointment and avoid or or around the area for 30 days after. If used before 30 days, it can cause the pigments to fade prematurely.โ€‹โ€‹

You must let us know if:

You have/had allergic reactions to topical anesthetic.

charlotte permanent makeup

For further questions email us at
(Please allow 48 hours for response time due
to the high volume of inquiries).

best microblading charlotte

ready, set, book

Ready for Your New Look?

Save yourself hours of wasted time from applying daily make-up that isnโ€™t made to last, by investing in cosmetic services tailored just for you. Say goodbye to brows that sweat off, smeared eyeliner, and even lipstick on your teeth. With permanent makeup, you will be ready to take on the world with confidence like never before. After all, you deserve it babe.

permanent makeup