Frequently Asked Questions


โœฆ Brow FAQ

โœฆ Eyes FAQ

โœฆ Lips FAQ

  • Lip tattooing is a great alternative to fillers or surgery. It can also be done in conjunction with these procedures! Many of our clients do both to maximize the effectiveness of lip enhancement treatments.

    Whether it is the lip design, shape or color you are interested in, INK Beauty Studio can help. The Lip Blushing method is a soft and natural blending of pigment into the lips. There is no demarcation, just a soft color blushing. It will enhance the fullness of the lips. This is a multiple-step process done in a minimum of two sessions.

  • โ€ข Lips appear more defined without surgery or fillers

    โ€ข Restores color to lips that have become pale

    โ€ข Corrects Blurred lip lines

    โ€ข Camoflauges scars and hypopigmentation

    โ€ข Kiss-proof and smudge-proof color

    โ€ข Make lips appear fuller and larger

    โ€ข May eliminates the daily use of pencils to outline, fill-in, or reshaping lip borders

    โ€ข Saves time and money!

  • Of all permanent makeup procedures, the permanent lip enhancement service is the most sensitive. However we do numb your lips prior to, and throughout the procedure with a highly effective topical anesthetic for your comfort.

    Pre-Care Instructions are designed and MUST BE STRICTLY FOLLOWED to limit bleeding and skin sensitivities during the service. Excessive bleeding and sensitivity during the procedure will dilute and expel the pigment color and lead to poor results.

    * Having this service performed during your menstrual cycle may increase discomfort during your procedure.

    * If you are a frequent smoker or "sun worshipper" the topical anesthetics used during the treatment may not last as long and also can lead to poor retention and poor lasting results.

  • Please review our detailed โ€œPre & Post Careโ€ Instructions for Lip Blushing It is crucial these instructions are followed to ensure a comfortable healing process and to achieve the best possible results for your lippies!

  • You MUST understand that if you have EVER had chicken pox, a fever blister, or a cold sore, you MUST take Zovirax, Famvir or Valtrex or other anti-viral pre and post procedure to help prevent the outbreak of cold sores. There are NO exceptions to this rule! If you do have an outbreak, it will usually occur on the third (3rd) day following lip color application. This rule holds true for each and every time you have any amount of permanent lip tinting applied.

  • A minimum of 2 months post-filler is required before your Lip appointment. It is recommended that you have the permanent lip enhancement first and then the lip filler injection once lips are healed.

  • You and your artist will discuss which colors suit you based on your skin tone but of course your personal preference comes into play too. You can always enhance or change the color of your lips at anytime with conventional makeup. Your new lip tattoo is designed to act as a base, so it doesnโ€™t mean you should throw out your lippy collection at all. You should never use lipstick during the healing process, but once everything is fully healed up, you can use lipsticks, glosses and balms as usual.

  • Cosmetic tattooing is a multiple step appointment process. For permanent makeup, at least two appointments are needed initially. Each of these appointments being 6 to 8 weeks apart. At the second visit, your Enhancement Session, we will assess the color retention and make any adjustments necessary. Everyone heals differently and at different rates. If your cosmetic tattoo does not heal perfectly the first time, do not worry! We can always go bolder and add more density at your next appointment.

  • Your lips will look swollen, slightly larger than normal, and look as though you have had a slight lip filler injection. The degree of this varies from person to person. The pigment and lip color will look darker initially, like a bold lipstick. The size of your lips will shrink back to normal and the color will significantly fade up to 50% within the first 4 days. You will lose color on the inside of your lips first, the edges last. Right after the procedure lips normally feel dry, chapped, tight and tender to the touch. Similar to how a sunburn feels.

  • Expect moderate swelling up to three days following the procedure. Scabbing may make the lips feel thick. Lip pigment may fade up to 50% after the first few days. While healing your lip color will look spotty. This is due to oxidation of the pigment and the regeneration of the skin. Multiple sessions may be required to achieve the desired lip results. Your Enhancement Session must be scheduled 6-12 weeks after your first initial appointment and is necessary in order to achieve that richness of color, achieve symmetry, and density in the shape.

  • Lip blushing is a form of permanent cosmetic tattooing. The pigment will remain in your skin forever, but will fade over time. We recommend getting a touch up every 1-3 years.

    Please note that final results cannot be guaranteed as each unique skin type will hold pigments differently and break down at different rates. We will re-evaluate how your skin has received the pigment at your Enhancement Session and make any changes. Two appointments are recommended initially. Each of these appointments being 6-12 weeks apart. At your Enhancement Session, we will assess the color retention and make any adjustments necessary. Everyone heals differently and at different rates. If your cosmetic tattoo does not heal perfectly the first time, do not worry! We can always make necessary adjustments when you return!

  • Lip color requires frequent touch-ups compared to other permanent makeup procedures due to the fact that the lips are very vascular and the body metabolizes the lip color at a rapid rate compared to other body parts which are not as vascularized. We recommend touch ups every 1-3 years at INK Beauty Studio.

  • Excessive bleeding during a lip tattoo service will reduce the amount of pigment absorption. Caffeine, alcohol, certain food or drink, and certain medications or vitamins may act as stimulants and/or blood-thinners. They should avoided for a minimum 48 hours prior to your appointment. For a full list of what to avoid before to your appointment click here.

    Sun exposure: The sun will extremely soften the look of your lip tattoo, and may also change the color appearance of the pigment.

    Lifestyle: smokers, "sun worshippers", or anyone with skin that is in a state of distress may have less desirable results.

    It is highly recommended that you avoid SUN and TANNING BED exposure for 30 days BEFORE and AFTER your procedure. If you show up for your appointment with a new tan or a sunburn, you will need to reschedule and pay a rescheduling fee. As your skin exfoliates from a sunburn, it will take the pigment with it.

  • Touch-up appointments are optional. If you do not maintain, the color will lighten over time. Fading greatly depends on your skin type and tone, lifestyle, sun exposure, pigment color used, and your overall health. We suggest that if you want to maintain your lips so that they always look their best plan on scheduling a touch up every 1-3 years for best results.

    If you are receiving an MRI , please inform the technician that you have had an iron-oxide cosmetic tattoo.

    If you are planning to have laser treatments, you must cover your lip tattoo with 20% Zinc Oxide to avoid premature fading of your tattoo.

    If you are applying acidic or brightening skincare (AHAโ€™s, retinol, peels, glycolics, salicylic acid, etc.) please first cover your lip tattoo with vaseline to avoid premature pigment fading.

  • As a precaution, no permanent makeup services will be performed during pregnancy.


Am I a Candidate?


A contraindication is a condition or factor that either renders a medical treatment inadvisable under any circumstances or increases the risks involved in carrying out a medical procedure. Absolute Contraindication: hemophilia, blood thinners on prescription. Relative Contraindications: diabetic on the needle (increased risk of infection & slow to heal), allergies, blood thinners like Aspirin or Vitamin E

You know the state of your health better than anyone. If you have any medical issues that you feel might be a contraindication, then we suggest you get clearance from your doctor. Below are some contraindications that can alter your results and/or put you in danger.

Patients who have epilepsy, diabetes, hemophilia, or heart disease of any kind should have a physicianโ€™s approval prior to any tattooing procedure.

PREGNANT- Although there is no medical evidence that tattooing would have any effect on an unborn child, we don't know for sure. So we suggest you err on the side of caution and come back after the baby is born.


ON ACCUTANE, RETINA - Topical steroids thin the skin. Depending on the stage your skin is at, it may be too fragile to undergo the procedure. You should get clearance from your doctor before considering permanent make-up. You must be off Retin-A or Retinoids 7 days prior to the appointment and avoid or around the area for 30 days after. If used before 30 days, it can cause the pigments to fade prematurely.

ON PRESCRIPTION STRENGTH MEDICATION OR TREATMENTS that affect the dermal layer of the skin can affect the permanent make-up.

ON ANTICOAGULANTS (blood thinners) long-term use of aspirin, ibuprofen, and some herbs reduce clotting time resulting in increased bleeding and bruising, which will affect the implantation of pigment as well as increase the healing time.

DIABETIC -If you are insulin-dependent, you are not a candidate for permanent make-up. Healing could be compromised and take longer than average. Otherwise, if your doctor feels your condition is under control you may request a letter stating that you are able to undergo cosmetic tattooing.

GLAUCOMA -You may not have eyeliner. Increased intraocular pressure combined with pressure placed on the eye to apply eyeliner could be damaging. It is important to have this condition under control and/or refer to your physician for further consent to the application of eyeliner.

HAVE ANY OTHER HEART CONDITIONS - uncontrolled high blood pressure and poor general health would be a special concern, you will need to see your physician and discuss the procedure to gain pre-approval.โ€‹

HERPES SIMPLEX - People who get fever blisters and/or cold sores may experience an outbreak after procedures. It's imperative that you discuss the procedure with your physician before the procedure and receive proper instructions on how to prevent an outbreak post-procedure. Most physicians will offer a prescription for Zovirax or Valtrex to take prior to and after the procedure.

KELOID OR HYPERTROPHIC SCARRING - Persons with tendencies for this type of scarring have the same risk with tattoos also. The risk is mainly in the torso area, however, we may decide to do a patch test to ensure that you do not scar in this manner.

If there are any blemishes, pimples, active cold sores, irritation of the skin of any kind, moles, or other skin imperfections in or around the area of the procedure, we will NOT be able to do the procedure until the blemish or area of concern is gone or the mole is removed and healed.โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹

You must wait if

You are using ANY lash serums. Please stop using any and all lash serums for a minimum of 4 weeks prior to your permanent eyeliner procedure. The reason is that those types of serums are stimulants. The will make your eyelids too fragile and vascular for cosmetic tattooing. As a result, your eyelids will bleed and bruise. After your eyeliner procedure is completed, you should wait 4 weeks to start your serum usage again.

HAD EYE SURGERY. If you have had Lasik, Cornea repair etc. you will need to wait at least 6 months before permanent makeup procedure on your eyes.

SCARS from surgery or injury must be healed for at least one year prior to service.

You must be off Retin-A or Retinoids 7 days prior to appointment and avoid or or around the area for 30 days after. If used before 30 days, it can cause the pigments to fade prematurely.โ€‹โ€‹

You must let us know if:

You have/had allergic reactions to topical anesthetic.

For further questions email us at
(Please allow 48 hours for response time due
to the high volume of inquiries).


ready, set, book

Ready for Your New Look?

Save yourself hours of wasted time from applying daily make-up that isnโ€™t made to last, by investing in cosmetic services tailored just for you. Say goodbye to brows that sweat off, smeared eyeliner, and even lipstick on your teeth. With permanent makeup, you will be ready to take on the world with confidence like never before. After all, you deserve it babe.